

Space Still Available for October Drilling Fluids Training

Space Still Available for October Drilling Fluids Training

Oil drilling is complex. It combines many different technologies and disciplines. Rig teams today must have extensive knowledge of drilling fluid chemistry as well as testing equipment to effectively drill a well.

We are proud to host a drilling fluid training program, taught by industry experts, that covers all aspects of drilling fluids technology. This course emphasizes both theory and practical application, with both classroom lecture and hands-on laboratory exercises.

Classes are held at the OFITE facility in Houston, TX. Lead instructor is David Breeden, a consultant with over 35 years of experience in all aspects of drilling fluids technology, marketing, R&D, and operations. He is joined by Larry Mitchell, who has over 20 years of experience with drilling fluids testing equipment and technology.

The next class will be October 1st through 5th, 2018. Space is still available, but limited, so sign up now. For more information, including curriculum, schedules, and pricing, visit our training page.

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